New Tarot Deck – The Fifth Tarot

New Tarot Deck – The Fifth Tarot

The Fifth Tarot – Restoring the Fifth Element
Illustrations by – Teressena Bakens
Written by – Martien & Teressena Bakens
Published – Blue Dolphin Publishing

So much work went into this set and it shows in the quality of the artwork, the deck production, the accompanying book (which is an impressive 352 pages) and the packaging. This is not Rider-Waite like deck in its format and would require some time to get to know the cards and their meanings. The deck has 92 cards, which are all full colour, and bigger than average playing cards.

The deck is described to bring the elements together to help us find true understanding; with this the creators have included an additional suit representing the element of Ether (spirit). In traditional Tarot each suit has an elemental correspondence – Pentacles are Earth – Wands are Fire (most popular allocation) – Swords are Air and Cups are Water. The suits in this deck are – Fire for Fire – Shells for Water – Stones for Earth – Feathers for Air and Lotus for Ether.

The cards also have a very in-depth symbology for the Major Arcana including, astrological symbols, the Mayan Glyph, Star Symbol, Numerology Reference, Elemental borders and Sacred Symbol of MU.

As well as the description of the cards’ artwork there is the divination meaning and the application of the card, which is not found in all decks, this gives the reader or Client practical applications of the cards and questions to travel deeper into the meaning of the card and give time for self-reflection.

The art work is simply vibrant, stunning colours and scenes that draw you in make this deck a pure joy to look at and I am sure they would be very well received when being read with. I love, love, love this deck and I think this would be the perfect tool for mediation, self-reflection and personal discovery.

Until Next week...

4 thoughts on “New Tarot Deck – The Fifth Tarot”

  1. Hi Lisa,

    I have found with this deck I am having to rely more on my intuition and what the artists have put into the cards for interpretation rather than the traditional meanings that are often linked with the Rider Waite. The extra suit does take some time to get used to but they are such beautiful cards it is a joy to incorporate them.

    I love the deck and use it for spiritual and person readings more than for Clients.

    Have you worked with the deck?


  2. I have yet to work with a deck that has a fifth suit but am very interested in trying after reading Rose Gwain’s book on Jungian Tarot.

    It would be wonderful if you could share some of your readings and card reflections with this deck on here!

  3. I’ve found that the richness of each card’s image symbolism, let’s you “read the image”, instead of a piecemeal recital of prefab meanings. Through the use of your intuition, a reading flows .. like a string of pearls, much like reading a Tarot Marseille in an “Open Reading” approach of Dr. Ben-Dov or Enrique Enríquez! With the Fifth “Spirit” (Ether) suite, the Spiritual aspects of a reading are there to read, and no need to “infer” a spiritual level in the reading, it always “presents Itself”! <3

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