How to Charge & Cleanse Your Tarot Deck

How to Charge & Cleanse Your Tarot Deck

Charging your tarot deck is something you can do to give the cards a cleanse and an energy boost. Just like when you recharge your own batteries!

Charging your tarot deck is something you should do to give them a cleanse and energy boost – kind of like recharging your own battery! If you want to learn more about spiritual cleansing, make sure you check out my video on spiritually cleansing a space, as many of those practices can be used to cleanse your tarot decks.

As with everything I share, take what resonates with you, and simply leave the rest.

The Light of the Full Moon or Sunlight

First, it’s important to note to be careful when leaving your decks out in nature. They could also be damaged by the elements or wildlife. I only leave my decks on a window sill so they can absorb the energy without risking damage. 

The moon and sun are powerful charging energies, so by placing your tarot deck, or crystals and sacred tools, under the full moon, you allow the lunar energy to bathe them in light. Doing this can also connect your deck to the Moon Goddess, deeper connecting you with the universe. The sun is another wonder charger and can connect you to solar Gods and Goddesses in your work. 

Give Them Some Reiki Healing

If you’ve studied or practised Reiki, give your deck some Reiki love! You can use your knowledge of energy healing, and magic to give your deck a recharge.

Reorder The Deck and Place on Altar

Order your tarot deck from The Fool through to the King of Pentacles (or whatever suit you want to put at the end). Then place your newly re-ordered deck on your altar to charge.

Crystal Grid Your Cards

Create a crystal grid for your deck to sit in on your working space or altar. You can direct energy to and away from your deck. For example, place smokey quartz pointing away from the centre to direct negative energy away from the deck. Place citrine pointing towards the deck to bring joy and positive energy to the deck. Use clear quartz to charge the deck with power.

Cleanse Their Aura, Wrap in Silk & Place in Wooden Box

Essentially, what’s being done here is you’re bathing the deck and tucking it in bed for a nap. Clear your tarot deck with a spray or smoke, then wrap it in silk and place it inside a wooden box. The deck can be kept in there for as long as you feel it needs.

Crystal Bowl Sound Bath & Singing Bowl Bath

Put your Tarot deck in a crystal or singing bowl and use the bowl to shake free any sticky energy. Leave the tarot deck in the bowl for 24 hours.

Beach Day, Forest Hike or a Sacred Place

The next time you visit the beach or a sacred place, ask permission of the land to put your deck down to be changed in its space. Be mindful of sacred spaces listed as heritage sites; they are fragile and aren’t places that you should be taking from. Do your research on the site beforehand. You will know if you have permission to do so if you tune in and listen. I always like to say thank you to the land, flora (plants), and fauna (animals) by doing a little rubbish cleaning in the area.

If you have a collection of different tarot decks, make sure to cycle them out every once in a while. This keeps you connected to your decks and you may learn new things with each different deck. It also gives you a break from a deck that you have seen over and over so you aren’t resting on your laurels. I like to change out my decks seasonally, choosing decks that reflect the changes I experience with the Witches Wheel.

Until Next week...

5 thoughts on “How to Charge & Cleanse Your Tarot Deck”

  1. Pingback: Just Get a New Tarot Deck?! 9 Steps to Get Your Deck Ready for a Reading! - Ethony

  2. Pingback: Charging tarot cards - Charge card Ditail

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