Exhaustion & Sagittarius Full Moon Spread

Exhaustion & Sagittarius Full Moon Spread

Exhausted 1

As most of you know I moved from Oz to Canada three years ago, exactly three years ago on the 13th of May. In that time I have had a muggle job that had me in tears at least twice a week I hated it so much. The people were nice but the work was destroying me. I have been in a relationship with someone I have known for ten years and generally figuring out how this love thing works.

Had the most amazing gift in my son ever. As I was told babies weren’t something I was ever going to be able to have. But this blessing came with a new set of trials as I did this will very little help. Most of my family and friends being very far away and all.

I moved my Tarot work 100% online and focused on building that so I could be a work from home Mum and look after my little one. I created two decks and nearly finished deck number three. Made new friends and worked at fairs and held workshops on various magical topics. Worked to the point of exhaustion, created tons of content and basically haven’t stopped.

I know I’m not alone in feeling energetically depleted.

I want to keep going even as I write this out of fear of being left behind. Of becoming irrelevant.

But I simply can’t run at the pace I have set myself anymore.

So there is no Full Moon Guide this month. I have created a Full Moon in Saggitatious tarot spread for you all but the guide. I just didn’t have in me.

I have been doing most of my biz work on my own.

Which I am looking to change very soon.

I find myself wanting to apologize for being exhausted. To the point of such energy depletion that I barely recognize myself.
FullSizeRender (20)I find myself wanting to apologize for admitting that I need assistance and help.

Then I wonder why do we feel the need to say sorry for being human. For taking up space. For being depressed, tired, raw and real?

I am not going to allow myself to slip into victim mentality and apologize for doing what I need to take care of myself and my family.

Nothing is going to change over night. Tarot Readings will happen as normal. But I am going to change my services soon. Time to simplify.

YouTube videos may not be tutorial heavy for a bit and my blogs may be a little sporadic while I get my energy back.

The Tarot Readers Academy isn’t going anywhere.  The Awakened Soul Oracle is nearly done. Tarot Summer School is giving me life. I’m still going to have my shop full of magical goodies. I just need to re-examine a lot of my energy output and give myself permission to rest when I need it.

Basically I am getting a crash course in what happens when you don’t take care of your energetic boundaries, even when it is your own self pushing on them.

The last minuet trip that I booked to go to Melbourne was literally a soul SOS. I need to be around my family and friends in Oz for a while. I need to fill my tank back up. While I am still working while I am away I am looking forward to some down time.

Thank you all for understanding and being so supportive.

Sagittarius Full Moon Spread

There is a lot of very intense energy around at the moment. A lot of us feel restless and exhausted. Themes of being careful about what battles you join and being more compassionate with loved ones are around this Full Moon. We are going to want to fight thanks to Mars bringing a lot of influence but we ultimately have the final say if we want to engage in relationship warfare.

Sag Full Moon Tarot Spread1

  1. What impulses need taming?
  2. Where can I best direct my energy?
  3. How can I best redirect my aggression?
  4. Should I speak up or stay quiet? (look for clues in the card you pull as to what this card is trying to tell you)
  5. What spiritual and personal beliefs need re-examining?


I hope you enjoy the Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread and please share your cards with me via social media using #sagfullmoontarot


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Until Next week...

6 thoughts on “Exhaustion & Sagittarius Full Moon Spread”

  1. Aw darling girl, your apology is so not necessary. I am absolutely amazed at what you accomplish every day as a work from home mum. Being a fellow Gemini, i think our moons are vastly different! 😉 That and i think maybe our 2 boys have different attention requirements, haha. Really though, you have an amazing ability to keep yourself busy doing what you love, while also having a family. I have never known how you find the time! But there should always be time and space for you. I am starting to get it in my life as well, making an effort to ground myself regularly. I think you will be very grounded and energised again after this trip, can’t wait to see you again! Xoxox

    1. Thank you so much lovely. I am pretty hard on myself. I can not wait to meet your little one and catch up. I am so looking forward to it.

  2. I’m sorry sweet Ethony…please take all the time you need to renew, recharge and rejuvenate. Sometimes we all need that and there is nothing wrong with it. Thank you for being raw and real and sharing what you are going through so we know we can relate to you too and we can all send you love, light and healing energy too. Time for you to receive – you are always giving so much.

    So many times we put spiritual teachers on a pedestal and don’t realize that they can get burnt out, moody, and be human too. It’s a reminder to get out of our ego’s and don’t be a spiritual snob – but keep it real. You are the best teacher that way! Thank you so much for all you share and being the lighthouse that you are.

    I know you’ll come back like the Phoenix! You rock!!

    Love & Light
    BB )0(


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