How to Use the Tarot to Get Through Hard Times

How to Use the Tarot to Get Through Hard Times

Our lives are filled with highs and lows and you can use the Tarot to help navigate the tricky ride we call life. I will share with you a few do’s and don’t and general advice when it comes to reading the Tarot during those difficult times.

Hi, Tarot Bumblebees,

Our lives are filled with highs and lows, and you can use the Tarot to help navigate the tricky ride we call life. I will share with you a few do’s and don’t and general advice when it comes to reading the Tarot during those difficult times. Plus, check out the bonus Tarot Spread that I put together for you. Now, let’s go ahead and dive in.

My Tarot Do’s and Don’t

  • Do check-in with yourself

Use the Tarot to check in with your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical needs

  • Don’t rely heavily on the Tarot for decisions

Don’t use the Tarot to make all of your decisions. The difficult situation you’re going through may have left you with some fear about the future, but that’s no reason to follow the cards blindly. You want to be empowered when you leave a reading, not fearing making your own decisions and being in the driver’s seat of your life. The Tarot should not be a crutch; separate yourself from your deck.

  • Do explore with difficult cards

Journal and journey with the harder cards of the Tarot to understand them more deeply and also how it’s coming into play in your life. The difficult cards will show you what you need to lose, lean into, and the shadow work you’re being invited to do.

  • Do notice recurring themes and cards

Do the cards connect to what’s happening in your life? Look for repeating cycles for clues on things that may need some adjusting in your life.

  • Don’t ignore red flags!

Don’t ignore the red flags and all the signs you’re getting from the Tarot, your guides and your inner self. Don’t bury your head in the sand, avoiding the messages. Trust me when I say the universe will make you face it at some point. Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

  • Do use Tarot to heal yourself

Use the Tarot to help you heal yourself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The Tarot is a powerful tool to help you move on from heartbreak, loss, separation.

  • Don’t use the Tarot to check-in with your ex

Don’t delay your healing by constantly checking in with your ex-flame. It’s not a good space to be in. If you’re in this space, I’d recommend stepping away from the Tarot.

Get Through the Hard Stuff Tarot Spread

Here’s a bonus Tarot spread that I’ve put together for you. Check out the Youtube video above for a full walkthrough of me using it. You can download your copy of the Tarot spread here.

Remember Bumblebees, knowing what you need to do is not the same as actually acting on it. I hope you found this blog post and video helpful.

Until Next week...

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