New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread

New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread

Hi Tarot Tribe.

We are coming up to New Moon time again soon. We have the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 17th of December in 2017 and like with all New Moons, it is a wonderful time to set goals for the coming lunar cycle.

I have a new Tarot spread for you all, of course, and I also wanted to share with you a little bit about the energies of the New Moon in Sagittarius and how we can work with the cosmic vibes at this time.

As with everything I share, take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

There is something so lovely about this time of year. There is a need to connect with people, create and share stories, as well as a deep desire for many of us to reflect on the year that we have experienced. So the keywords are expansion and reflection.

If you have found this year to be either challenging or a little too routine, there may be a strong pull to break free from the cycles of your life. There is nothing wrong with wanting something new, but do recognise that this could be some moon energy itch making you want to buy an around the world ticket. Or just go for it  Travel is good for the soul.

There is a lovely practice that you can do for this time of year, which is a practice in gratitude and also reflection. Write down your highlights, lessons and challenges for the past year. What are you most grateful for and what made you stronger? This is a great way to leave anything unwanted in this calendar year and appreciate just how far you have come.

The archer also comes with a lot of fun energy so take the time to do something playful and exuberant. Tick something off your bucket list.

With the wave of change that a new moon in Sagittarius brings, there are those who are going to love the fresh energy of this moon. Others, however, will struggle with their old ways of seeing things. If people are showing signs of being judgemental and unwilling to see something from a different perspective, come to them with compassion first.

With all of those Moon energies in mind, let’s look now at the New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread.

New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread

This Tarot Spread can be used at the New Moon in Sagittarius every calendar year. This spread looks at supporting you through releasing outdated beliefs and holding your own inner peace during this moon cycle.

  1. What area of my life could use some expansion?
  2. Where do I need to listen more?
  3. Where do I need to speak more?
  4. How can I bring more fun into my life?
  5. What lesson have I been learning?

Share your reading with the #newmoonsagittariustarot on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @ethony

Theme song for this New Moon – Talented Sagittarius Sia has our soundtrack for this moon cycle –

Get your FREE 2018 Tarot by The Moon Guide

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28 pages of Astrological New and Full Moon Tarot spreads, prompts and energy forecasts for 2018.

Move with the rhythms of the Full Moon in 2018 with Ethony’s Tarot by the Moon Guide. You can use your favorite Tarot and or Oracle deck with this guide.

Get it here

Until Next week...

1 thought on “New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread”

  1. Pingback: New Moon in Sagittarius – Tarot Whimsy

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