I created a New Year Tarot Spread for some reflection for the last year and some insight for 2012. To be honest it has just really confused me more than anything but here is what I got.
1. What was my main spiritual lesson for 2011?
The Seven of Wands – Soul regeneration, planning, preparation and taking care of crops, reaping what you sow. Putting energy into action, dedication and accomplishment.
2. What mental attitude should I leave behind in 2011?
The Nine of Pentacles – Sensual fullness and fulfillment. Worrying about not having enough.
3. What emotional behavior should I leave behind in 2011?
The Moon – Cycles of inner development, the Moon being the card of illusions it could be that I need to try and leave some of my trust issues behind, maybe just maybe not everyone is out to screw me over.
4. What physical habit should I leave behind in 2011?
Death – Transformation. I think that is mostly to do with not having anything that has been a real constant for me physically for 2011, I need to be more in my body and take care of it more. Consistency.
5. What is my main spiritual lesson for 2012?
Temperance – Higher Self in Action – living a fully conscious life, balance, flow and mixing all of the right elements together to create the life I want.
6. What mental attitude should I adopt for 2012?
Three of Cups – The abundance of self, celebration, enjoy the social aspects of life, mentally is also means being more aware of my own emotions.
7. What emotional behavior should I adopt for 2012?
Nine of Cups – Enjoy the Good life, wow apparently I was not having enough of a good time in 2011, 2012 is the year of parties, apparently. It is the wish fulfillment card but it also asks to evaluate what we really want because sometimes our goals change and if we get want we want we find out that we no longer want it.
8. What physical habit should I adopt for 2012?
Eight of Swords – Restrictive feelings of failure are effecting me physically so they need to be left behind.
9. Any red flags for 2012 that can be avoided by my own personal influence?
Five of Swords – Benefiting from others depleted energy, so basically stop being a meanie cause it is not doing me any good.
Some interesting food for thought anyway……shall be interesting to see what 2012 brings.