Pyramid of Choice – Tarot Spread

There is a situation at my place of work where I have three very different people with three very different wants all weighing in on a situation.

It would be so simple if it was all up to me but it isn’t working collaboratively doesn’t actually work like that apparently so I have to find the middle ground in the triangle I find myself in the middle of.

All of these people are willed and are all coming from a place where they think their outcome is the best option and all have buy in to the final decision. I welcome conversation and would rather work collaboratively but sometimes situations come up and you can feel a little stuck.

So while pondering what is the best way to tackle this I thought I would consult one of my Tarot Decks and see if I can get any insight. The Tarot Spread which I came up with tonight to suit my situation is the Pyramid of Choice Spread.

So I held the feeling of the situation in my mind, shuffled my deck and cut it twice.

The first three cards in the spread are the three different people in the situation and where they are coming from. This helps to understand their motivations and maybe help to find a resolution through a common theme.

The fourth card is me in the situation and my energy around it and the fifth card is something to consider or a likely plan of action.

Card 1 – Justice – This is pretty much the perfect card for this person. They are all about fairness and rules, balance and maintaining order. It is also a card of control. This also makes sense as this person may feel like they have had lack of control in the past so it trying to enforce it in this situation now. Consciously or not.

Card 2 – Eight of Swords – Trapped by mental loopings and getting lost and caught up in old ways of thinking. This is also a pretty good representation of the person in this corner. A bit of the ‘this is the way it has always been done, so believe me when I say this is going to happen’ and that is from experience not ego. The trap in this is that just because it has always been done a certain way, doesn’t mean it always should be. Resistant to change.

Card 3 – Page of Wands – New blood, new energy and vision. A messenger and a call to action. This person is very much a Page of Wands. Full of enthusiasm and wanting to do right and well by others and really prove themselves. This person doesn’t want to be left behind so is blowing their horn loudly.

Card 4 – Six of Wands – The victory card but after much work. There is also something about pausing in this card and I am hesitant to make a decision quickly because I am fully aware that the wrong decision could be very bad news. Still it is positive. I have noticed that there are three Imps illustrated in the card, so maybe I need to bring these people together and work with what I know.

Card 5 – Two of Swords – Another delay card, looks like now is not the right time for any action. This card has always been about balance for me but more than that the imagery is usually a female figure who is blindfolded. Meaning that she has to use her other senses to compensate for the loss of vision. So to really listen and hear what is being said. To really feel what is happening and most importantly be very in tune with your instincts and intuition and not hesitating to act on it.

So the cards indicate that now is a time to rest and reflect and not to make quick decisions at work in this situation. At least the timing is right and I am able to do that. Not for a long time but for now anyway.

The Deck Used – Faerie Tarot by Nathalie Hertz

Until Next week...

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