Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Learning About The Minor Arcana - The Cups

Knight of Cups Upright Draw Keywords


Prince Charming



Knight of Cups from The Modern Love Tarot
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Knight of Cups Upright Draw Meaning

It is often said that while the Knight of Cups is closest to Prince Charming, the energy from the card is mostly feminine. Rather than recklessness, this knight is in touch with their intuition and emotions. That charm makes the knight a romantic, poetic, yet energetic individual who knows how to draw the map of their life and travel in the right direction, no matter the missteps that they make.

For this reason, the Knight of Cups doesn’t always have to be a person who appears in your life. The Knight of Cups could reside inside you, be a friend, family member, mentor, or even something as amorphous as a sign along the road. Usually, this person or event comes bearing a message that invites you to do something new. Once you accept this invitation, you will find the power needed to transcend life’s hurdles within you.

Just beware of getting too caught up in fantasy. While these dreams are exciting, you won’t get anywhere just thinking about how grand life could be. Explore your passions. Revel in your hobbies. Always take the steps needed to get you closer to your goals.

Knight of Cups In Love and Relationships

The Knight of Cups in a love reading means that you’re about to take a trip, either physical or psychological. During this trip, love and romance are bound to blossom. There is also the possibility for love to happen or the cementing of an existing love. The both of you may be swimming in fantasies about one another.

Knight of Cups In Career And Finances

Like many cups cards, the Knight of Cups in a work-related reading is a good sign. Work projects are going to move full steam ahead. Be proud of your accomplishments thus far, as they will pave the way to new success. Also, when it comes to finances, you will soon be receiving excellent news financially. It may be in the form of inheritance or an upswing in stocks, but either way, nothing is as bad as you might it is.


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Knight of Cups Reverse Draw Keywords



unrealistic ideals


Knight of Cups Reverse Draw Meaning

Something is not right in your love life and you likely need to get something off your chest. You are being blocked by a fear of expressing how you really feel and letting people know what you need from them emotionally. Being stuck in the past, especially when it comes to the realm of emotions can make finding and keeping new healthy relationships extremely difficult. This may be the sign you have been waiting for to finally release the emotional power the past has on you and to begin to move forward.

Knight of Cups Reverse Draw Love and Relationships

If you’re not looking to commit, make sure the people you’re seeing know that. Be honest with others and set expectations.

Knight of Cups Reverse Draw Career and Finances

Be very careful getting into an intimate relationship in your workplace. It’s almost always a bad idea. If you really can’t help yourself be very careful.

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Minors Cups C2 Knight

Understanding the Rider Waite Imagery For Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups is often depicted as the typical Prince Charming figure: a silvery knight seated atop a noble, white steed. However, this knight is different from the Knight of Wands or Swords, who rush off valiantly. The Knight of Cups goes slowly—consciously and creatively. Both the helm and boots of the armour feature wings, which are symbolic of creativity, imagination, and activity.

The Muse of Tarot For Knight of Cups

Tarot Muses are the divine creative source personified. They are invoked to provide support and space for your readings and lend their special gifts in realm of Tarot magic.

Adoria - The Muse of Love Tarot Readings

This card represents a love affair to remember, whether that is for a night or a season. This is the sensitive and responsive person who comes into your life right when you need to be reminded of just how beautiful you are. This person is one of Adoria’s love envoys.

About The Cups

The Cups are all about offering emotional fullness. The Cups embody emotion, mood and fantasy. They represent the emotional pathway to make choices and shed light on negative feelings that are blocking our personal growth and decision-making capabilities. The Cups are the element of water, the season of autumn, the direction of west and the colour range of blue.