Eight Of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning
Learning About The Minor Arcana - The Pentacles
About The Pentacles
The Pentacles are all about rewarding efforts and the physical world. The Pentacles deal with our physical abilities and talents; they are about the relationships to personal service, as well as offering physical rewards for living those experiences. The ultimate quest shall be for the wisdom and the power to serve others, not the self. The Pentacles are the element of earth (think down-to-earth), the season of winter, the direction of south, and the colours green and brown.
Eight Of Pentacles: Draw Keywords
Eight Of Pentacles Upright
You might have decided to work on details rather than the bigger picture in the hope to improve your situation. The Eight of Pentacles is a positive sign that shows how this conscientiousness is finally starting to have an effect. If you keep doing what you are doing, you will eventually obtain success. Of course, similar to how the young laborer on the card is concentrating so hard on perfecting the coins that they’ve lost sight of the world around them, you too might do the same.
If you aren’t currently engaged in something to better yourself or your life, then consider it a call to ask yourself what can be done. Should you pursue the acquisition of a new skill? Can you invest your time in something?
Eight Of Pentacles In Love and Relationships
The Eight of Pentacles is a good omen with love. It shows that those who have feelings for you not only like you, they don’t question how much they like (or love) you. Relationship-wise, the two of you will create feelings of security, love, and friendship.
This card is a reminder to work on your relationships and to be as present as possible with people. Don’t let a good thing go to waste due to laziness.
Eight Of Pentacles In Career And Finances
Upright, this minor arcana card suggests that you will become someone’s underlying for a time. You will be acquiring new skills through an internship, apprenticeship, or seminar of some sort. If you have been considering going to a seminar or returning to school, now might be the perfect time to do it.

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Take a 14 day journey with the Pentacles Tarot suit and unleash your prosperity potential. It includes:
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Eight of Pentacles Reversed: Draw Keywords
lack of ambition
no focus
Eight of Pentacles Reversed
Sometimes, attention to detail becomes a poisonous perfectionism. When a person becomes a perfectionist, the world becomes a self-controlled bubble where change is unwelcome. Yet, we are often not in control of all the rules, and so when one changes, perfectionists have a difficult time handling this new element. You need to learn how to take risks, shift gears, reverse or move forward. Don’t let your perfectionism become a barrier.
Sometimes, you have to throw the towel on a project that isn’t leading to the desired outcome. If your effort isn’t creating a tangible result, then you are merely wasting your time. Work on things that create opportunity. Don’t be afraid to see the bigger picture. Leave edges slightly frayed. Each of those strings can lead you to a new path.
Eight of Pentacles Reversed Love & Relationships
If you’re doing all the work in your relationship, know that you’re setting a dangerous precedent of what you’ll accept. Speak up now or regret it in the future.
Eight of Pentacles Reversed Career & Finances
As for reversed, the Eight of Pentacles upside-down reveals that you might have received a lack of training for a specific job. Now, you are stressing because you can’t do the job correctly. Furthermore, perhaps you are finding yourself without work because there are little employment opportunities out there that accept your level of education.
Eight of Pentacles: Understanding the Rider Waite Imagery
The image of the Eight of Pentacles is not hard to understand. There is a young person working hard on eight coins. They are etching the pentacle shape into every golden disc. Six have already been successfully completed and lined up in a perfect line. This hard work has isolated the young worker from everyone else. The meaning of this image is one of focus and engagement. In short, you are transfixed on the task before you and concentrating on doing an excellent job.
The Muse of Tarot For Eight Of Pentacles
Sparx - The Muse of Creative Tarot Readings
This is the Tarot card for honing your craft. It represents the time and effort that it takes to become a master in your creative field. There is a sense of initiation by fire with this card, both in its representation of the blacksmith, and its connection to Sparx.