Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning
Learning About The Minor Arcana - The Wands

About The Wands
The Suit of Wands is associated with that which makes us individual—our enthusiasm, self-awareness and concepts, personal energy, and personalities. Within the Wands are instinctive energies, inspiration, determination, intuition, and ambition. Though Wands are connected to the element of fire, they are indicative of the good kind of fiery passion for things that occupy your time (hobbies and so on).
The Seven of Wands: Upright Draw
The Seven of Wands: Upright Draw
This clearly is a sign to hold your ground despite whatever challenges may come your way. Though you may not always make the best decisions, you clearly have the strength and determination to remain on top of what has to be done. If you think of yourself as a lover, not a fighter, then now is the time to realize that you have it inside you to stand up for what you believe in.
However, you’re not going to win every single battle, and that’s life. Whether you’re simply giving a speech on a highly debatable topic or find yourself living in a manner that draws contempt and criticism, take the Seven of Wands as motivation to declare who you’re and say what you won’t back down from.
It is a classic case of picking your battles. Sometimes it is just not worth it, and the drain on your happiness is too great. Know when to put the wand down and walk away.
Seven of Wands In Love and Relationships
Try something new — something you have always wanted to do that is outside of your comfort zone. By doing so, you’re opening the door to meet new people that have similar ideas as you do. Also, if you’re in a committed relationship, the Seven of Wands indicates that you have to start speaking your mind more readily if you hope to take things to the next level–whatever that may be for you. Just remember to be thoughtful when speaking to your partner.
Castaway your doubts. Go forward, pushing through the challenges to rise above them all. With careful planning and courage, you can overcome whatever crosses your path.
Seven of Wands In Career And Finances
The Seven of Wands emphasizes a single person. In other words, if you’ve thought that self-employment is the proper option for you, then now is the time to take that way of life for a test drive. Keep in mind that it’s going to take time and effort. You can’t just start a business wearing the wrong shoes! Be logical about how you spend your money, start your business endeavors, and work at your current job.
The plus side is that money is on the upswing. Think long-term money-saving, though.
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The Seven of Wands: Reverse Draw
closed off
giving up
Seven of Wands Reverse Draw Meaning
With all the challenges that have come your way, you may be feeling overwhelmed and buried beneath the sand–so to speak. The reversed Seven of Wands comes around during these trying times. There are many reasons you may be feeling extra vulnerable: too many commitments, not enough focus on attention, a lack of self-confidence, or letting comparison override your accomplishments.
If you feel others are constantly judging you, you should give yourself some space from these naysayers. Though you want to be accepted for who you are, now may not be the time. Even though you have made progress, the reversed Seven of Wands shows that you may have to give up and move on. Sometimes, taking things too far will only be a detriment to yourself and to those you love.
Seven of Wands Reverse Draw Love and Relationships
Your defensive nature is starting to damage the relationship. Not everything is a personal attack, it’s time to learn how to take healthy constructive criticism less personally.
Seven of Wands Reverse Draw Career and Finances
The pressure may ease soon in your workplace as long as you’ve kept everything above board. If you haven’t and have been cutting corners, get ready to defend yourself.
The Seven of Wands: Understanding the Rider Waite Imagery
Often in the Seven of Wands, we see a lone person brandishing a stick atop a hill; there are six other “wands” pointed at them, meaning that their enemies are out of sight. Their defensive position shows that they are retaliating courageously against that which would hurt them. Perhaps we can refer to this person as the “King of the Hill,” for they are fighting for their right to be there. However, have you noticed they are wearing two different shoes? Though the King of the Hill has the best position, their footing is unbalanced.
The Muse of Tarot For Seven of Wands
Mirrovly - The Muse of Reflective Tarot Readings
This card often shows a figure in a position of defense and keeping unseen foes at bay. When this card comes up in a Tarot reading, Mirrovly is asking you what are you defending? Is it worth all of the time, energy, and effort? Why are you so defensive, and who (or what) are you keeping at bay? These are not small questions, but they can produce fascinating answers.