5 Tarot Relationship Spreads for Every Stage In Your Life

5 Tarot Relationship Spreads for Every Stage In Your Life

No matter what your relationship status, love readings can provide value insight and opportunities for growth and transformation. These spreads can help with that self discovery.

People have been turning to the wisdom of the Tarot to help them navigate their love lives and relationships since the first person started slinging cards. In fact, it’s the number one reason people seek me out for readings.

Relationship readings can tell us so much about ourselves and are also a great opportunity for personal growth. We can discover our baggage, expectations, and core beliefs and examine whether they are hurting our relationships and allow us to begin healing.

They also can provide us with many opportunities with our partners. Even if your partner doesn’t believe in the Tarot, when you use it as a tool for self reflection, you can use what you have learned to spark important conversations. If they aren’t open to it, you don’t have to tell them your learnings came from the Tarot.

How to Use These Relationship Spreads

I’ve put together five relationship spreads that you can use at any stage of your life. In case you didn’t already know, I have also created The Modern Love Tarot deck specifically for love readings. However, it’s not required, any Tarot or Oracle deck can be used.

Use the following spreads to get guidance and advice from the tarot about your relationships and to spark further introspection about who you want to be as a partner and what you expect from a partner.

5 Card Future Relationship Tarot Spread

Maybe you haven’t found anyone you want to be in a relationship with yet, but you’re definitely ready for love. This is a 5-card tarot relationship spread to get clear about what kind of relationship you’re looking for and set yourself up to receive exactly what you are looking for.

  1. What can I do to signal to the universe that I’m ready for a new relationship?
  2. What kind of love relationship am I looking for? 
  3. What needs am I looking to fulfill in a new relationship?
  4. What red flags do I need to watch out for during my quest for a new relationship?
  5. What steps can I take to become more confident?

3 Card New Relationship Tarot Spread

New relationships are so exciting! The air is full of potential (and pheromones). As you start to get to know each other you’ll be wondering, “Moving forward, is this relationship really the best use of my time?” 

This 3-card tarot relationship spread to gain some clarity about the potential opportunities and pitfalls of this new love. 

  1. My baggage: What do I need to examine in myself that will allow this relationship to flourish?
  2. Their baggage: What’s their biggest hang-up or trauma that we’ll need to navigate? 
  3. We can’t be naked ALL the time – Where are we most in alignment that will build a strong foundation of our relationship?  

7 Card Breakup Tarot Spread

Whether you choose to end the relationship and you’re happy (or relieved) or were on the receiving end of the split, break ups definitely shake life up. Your Tarot deck is your perfect companion during this time, it’s ready to get into it and help heal your heart. You got this! So grab some tissues, and a hot cup of tea and get ready to move forward for the best. 

  1. What steps can I take to care for myself emotionally while I grieve this loss?
  2. How can I begin to release my anger and disappointment?
  3. How can I best enjoy my own company?
  4. What is the biggest lesson I learned in this relationship?
  5. How can I best use what I’ve learned moving forward?
  6. What boundaries do I need to set around myself while I adjust to life without this relationship?
  7. What can I do differently next time? 

10 Card Compatibility Tarot Spread

The success of any relationship relies on your ability to work through tough situations together while creating a shared life that fulfills both of your needs.

For this spread, you’ll pull 2 cards for each of the 5 questions – one to represent yourself and the other to represent your partner. Use this spread as a conversation starter to gain insight and learn how, together, using your own individual strengths, you can craft and live the sort of life you both want. 

  1. What are the biggest strengths we bring to this relationship?
  2. What is our biggest stumbling block when it comes to communication? 
  3. How can we best celebrate each other’s wins?
  4. How can we best support each other when the chips are down? 
  5. What actions can we take together to strengthen our bond? 

3 Card Relationship Advice Tarot Spread

This is a great spread to use when you’re butting heads with your partner. Use it to get to the bottom of the matter and find your way back to connection. I suggest doing this reading together so you can talk about what you see in the cards and get a better understanding of each other’s points of view…but sometimes it can be best to retreat to individual corners until cooler heads prevail.

  1. How I feel about the issue.
  2.  How they feel about the issue.
  3. How we can compromise and move forward?

How to answer specific relationship questions with the Tarot

If the Tarot spreads I’ve created don’t answer your specific questions for your relationship, you can modify them or create your own spreads. 

A great starting point is a simple card spread:

  1. What’s the situation?
  2. What’s the challenge?
  3. What’s the advice I need?

Want to use the Tarot to dive further into your Love and Relationships?

If you want to continue the exploration take my free 14 day journey through the suit of the Cups that includes a beautifully designed workbook full of Tarot spreads, journal prompts, spells and affirmations. Join here.

The Cups explore our emotions and relationships. Each of the 14 days, you’ll explore one card of The Cups and what it represents in your life. The Cups represent the emotional pathway to make choices and shed light on negative feelings that are blocking our personal growth and decision-making capabilities.

Free 14 Day Tarot Love Challenge

Explore Your Relationship With Love Using The Cups


I hope you’ve enjoyed these Tarot spreads and they help and some spark to your relationships.

Until Next week...

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