What To Do With A New Tarot Deck

What To Do With A New Tarot Deck

I know you're excited to crack out that new Tarot Deck but WAIT!! These are 9 of my FAVOURITE things to do before I start reading with my brand new decks.

Hi, Tarot Lovelies,

Your brand new deck has just arrived, and I imagine you’re ripping into the package in a frenzied state. It can be tempting to crack open your deck right away and start slinging cards, but I’d recommend incorporating in a small ritual before you start reading. These are 9 rituals that you can do before a reading with your brand new deck. It’s a great way to get to know your new Tarot deck and the kind of readings you’ll receive. Do you have to do this before using your new deck? Absolutely not; these are the practices that I use and recommend but whether you use them is totally up to you.

1. Go Through Every Card

This allows you to really delve into the artwork and see the vision the creator has put forward in their work. Scan the card from top to bottom and see if any details stick out to you. This is a wonderful way to get to know your deck. Take your time while doing this!

2. Use Your Tarot Guide Book

Have a quick read if it’s a smaller book or even spend some time studying the guidebook separately. I love all guidebooks, especially when they’re interesting or written by the person who created the deck.

3. Tarot Card Elements

I will start with the Major Arcana and see how the creator has interpreted the fool’s journey. Get to know if there are any similarities or connections in the cards. Then I lay out the ace to ten of each of the suits, in order of pentacles, swords, cups, and wands. I look at the progression of the artwork and theme. You may notice each suit has a different color theme or style. Next, I’d lay out all of the court cards.

4. Cleansing Tarot Cards

I’ve got a whole video you can check out. Check it out if you’re unsure of how to do it.

5. Shuffle Tarot Deck

Give your deck a really good shuffle and get your good vibes into the deck.

6. Interview Your Deck

Interview your deck to find out what kind of work your deck will want to do with you and how you can use your deck best. You can find quite a few spreads for interviewing your decks but this is one I’ve created for you.

7. Tarot Card Storage

Will you use a pouch or a box? in silk or open in your space?

8. Study the Tarot Cards

Pick a card every day for a month and write some notes to get to know that specific deck. Use your guidebook for this. What are your first impressions? How do you feel about the card when it comes up? Do you struggle to understand the meaning? Spend some time thinking about the cards in an out-of-box way.

9. Charge it Under the Full Moon

Place your deck in a crystal grid to get it charged up with all of your energy. You can use any stones you want, but I’d recommend black tourmaline, smoky quartz, and clear quartz. It’s a great way to clear the energy it came to you with.

What do you do when you get a new deck? Do you use it straight away in your tarot readings, or do you spend some time to get to know your deck before using it with your querents?

Until Next week...

6 thoughts on “What To Do With A New Tarot Deck”

  1. Ninnie Alicie

    When I get a new deck, I open and look through all of it immediately, then shuffle through the cards and look at them. I want to try all the things here in my future. 🙂

  2. Susan Tadlock

    Thanks for all your guidance and help. So many things going on in my life right now that it’s hard to focus. I usually download what you’ve given info on so I can sit down and read it and give it the proper attention.

  3. Melinda Lee Birch

    So far I’ve had my REAL first deck, The wild unknown for a week now and I’ve shuffled it, then sorted it back out and put it in a crown royal bag with a feather in the bottom of the box and taken it out everyday and just held it to get its energy. Just bought a cedar box to put it to sleep in each night and waiting for it to wake up and speak to me.

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