Get to Know Me as a Tarot Blogger – A Tarot Blog Hop

Get to Know Me as a Tarot Blogger – A Tarot Blog Hop

Welcome to the Tarot Jam!

The theme for this Blog Hop is a get to know me post. The first part of this is my Tarot story which I have recently talked about so please check this out first. The second part is something I have not covered so let’s get right to that part.

How do I believe Tarot Works?

The Tarot works in a number of ways. It is like a cocktail, different elements come together to make something delicious. Here are some of the elements that I believe come together to make the Tarot ‘work’.

I made a little video on this subject and have added some notes below to tie it all together.

Belief – Belief is a powerful thing. It is one of the most powerful forces in the world. The Tarot works because both the Tarot Reader and the Tarot Querent believe that it works. It is the same with any divination or magical practice. There has to be an element of belief in what you are doing and in yourself.

History – The Tarot has a rich history and it has survived a lot. The Tarot has come a long way and has gone through many different evolutions. There is something about an esoteric system that has stood the test of time. It is romantic to work with these cards that so many people in different countries and times have also experienced.

Archetypes – There are archetypes in the Tarot that most of us come into contact with and experience personally. When we do have interactions and experiences with these archetypes it brings a whole new level of understanding and connection to the Tarot. We all know Mothers, represented by The Empress and Fathers, represented by The Emperor. These are just two examples of the archetypes in the Tarot. It is an important element of it being accessible and relatable in our lives.

Symbols – Each Tarot card has a diverse set of symbols in them, which artists have a wonderful time with. These symbols are keys. They open up memories, they represent important times in our lives and things that we hold sacred and dear. They can also scare and confront us.

Technique of the Tarot Reader – Tarot reading is a skill and many of us spend years honing it. We constantly learn and we are always fine-tuning our craft. We ad to our Tarot tool kit through connecting with fantastic Clients and ones that make us want to scream. We have days where we are in the zone and others where it is a struggle. Just like any profession. Each Tarot Reader brings their own unique experience and background to the Tarot.

Connection – Depending on the way that you read the Tarot it can be used to connect to your higher self and to your spirit guides. It is for me a spiritual practice. The Tarot for me is a sacred Tool. It is a connection to the divine in each of us and allows for me to get to the heart of the matter and find my center. It also allows me to do this for my Clients.

Mystical appeal – There is something so universally appealing to knowing something that other people do not. To be able to glimpse the future or see through the forest of confusion for a Client. Mystics have always been appealing and this is one of the reasons that the Tarot works.

These are my top picks for how the Tarot works.

The last part of this blog hop is a Tarot Spread you can use when you are getting to know a new Tarot deck.

Tarot Spread – Interviewing Your Tarot Deck

I’m not the first to use this Tarot Spread or to share it online but I wanted to put it up here for you all. This is a nice way to connect with a new Tarot or Oracle deck. I have used it many times before and it is rather interesting. Don’t be surprised if your cards give you SASS!



Until Next week...

34 thoughts on “Get to Know Me as a Tarot Blogger – A Tarot Blog Hop”

  1. Pingback: tarot full circle a tarot jam -

  2. I’ve never used this reading to get to know a deck, though I have seen people do this a lot so thank you for putting this up, I’m going to give it a try with a newer deck! You put out a lot of information all very well organized, thank you!

  3. Strangely enough, I have yet to try a “getting to know you” spread for any of my decks. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how tarot works, as well. Interesting stuff!

  4. I’ve actually never done the whole interviewing your deck thing before, but you’ve inspired me to give it a go!

    Love getting to know you even more Ethony!


  5. I’ve used versions of this deck interview spread, and the SASS is the best part! My latest deck’s answer to “How can I better connect with you?” was basically “FEED ME.” Hungry hungry tarot creature!

  6. Pingback: 8 Ways to Connect to a New Tarot Deck

  7. Pingback: The Lumina Tarot deck interview | Phoenix & Lotus

  8. I just stumbled across this post and love the spread. Thank you! The answers from my deck made me love her even more. And I liked the sass she gave me for the last question on which card best sums her up: the Magician, silly. You know, the picture that was printed on my box? 🙂 But it’s also a great card for the role this deck plays in my tarot journey. I look forward to bonding with other decks using this spread.

      1. I used my Rider deck. Love that classic. I have an Animal Totem deck coming in the mail soon, and look forward to trying this spread as our introduction.

  9. SapphireAngel444


    What a beautiful spread. I tried it with my new tarot deck “The souls journey by James Van Praagh” and the answers were beautiful that were presented. It is here to teach me to trust and how to connect with the deck – the answer was Service – the deck wants me to use it to help others build their self esteem.

  10. I am extremely new to Tarot. I tried this with my Tarot of the Magical Forest, and the card it gave me for #5 was the Devil card…Im slightly perplexed by this, any insights?

    1. I would say that this deck is really good at brining spiritual lessons to earth. The Devil backwards is LIVED. It can help you live your spiritual path. I hope that helps.

  11. Pingback: The Wild Unknown Spirit Animal Unboxing | Phoenix & Lotus

  12. Hey Ethony, thank so much for this post! I’ve just tried this spread with my new tarot deck and it was so much fuuuun :D. The deck ist the Lo Scarabeo aniversary deck (watched today your review on it ;)). So I’m new to tarot but I have a bit experience with oracles. Have a look at what I got and please tell me waht you think:
    1- Ace of pentacles –> rather down to earth questions/matters than walking my spiritual path with me
    2- 8 of cups –> helping find meaning/fulfilment by showing to me new diections/life paths
    3- The fool –> be in the here and now, trusting life and take it easy
    4- Knight of pentacles –> learn by doing and just be patient and curious
    5- The wheel –> life itself baby, with all it’s ups and downs (yea!)

  13. Hey Ethony, thanks so much for this post! I’ve just tried this spread with my new tarot deck and it was so much fuuuun :D. The deck is the Lo Scarabeo aniversary deck (watched today your review on it ;)). So I’m new to tarot but I have a bit experience with oracles. Have a look at what I got and please tell me waht you think:
    1- Ace of pentacles –> rather down to earth questions/matters than walking my spiritual path with me
    2- 8 of cups –> helping find meaning/fulfilment by showing to me new diections/life paths
    3- The fool –> be in the here and now, trusting life and take it easy
    4- Knight of pentacles –> learn by doing and just be patient and curious
    5- The wheel –> life itself baby, with all it’s ups and downs (yea!)

      1. I haven’t trimmed it yet, not shure how I want to do it. But I’m definately going to make the two scarabeo on the back black, with some water proof ink maybe.

        Adding curious to the Knight of Pentacles came somehow naturally to the idea of patiently learning something new and in the same time have fun and enjoy it. I mean you can learn patiently out of discipline or even stubbornness/determination but I don’t think that’s the idea.

  14. Pingback: Why Interview Your Tarot Deck? | Starlight's Musings

  15. Captivating! Your tarot blog hop offers a deep, insightful look into your unique perspective as a tarot blogger. It’s engaging, informative, and incredibly inspiring. Thanks for sharing your journey!

  16. This blog beautifully captures your journey as a tarot blogger! Your insights are inspiring and offer a deep connection to the tarot community. A truly engaging and enlightening read!

  17. Fantastic post! Your insights as a tarot blogger are captivating and enlightening. It’s inspiring to see such passion and expertise shared through the tarot blog hop. Keep shining!

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