Halloween Costume Tarot Spread

Halloween Costume Tarot Spread

Here’s a playful six-card Tarot spread for Halloween, inspired by classic costumes and figures. Each card draws on the symbolism of these iconic characters, offering insight into different aspects of your life and energy.

This is a fun way to explore different parts of yourself through the lens of iconic Halloween figures, blending introspection with seasonal whimsy. So, before you go out Trick-or-Treating this Halloween, take a moment to shuffle your favorite Halloween-themed Tarot deck and see what’s beneath the costumes and masks.

Halloween Costume Tarot Spread


  1. Jack-O-Lantern – What Needs Illuminating? The hidden truth or shadow aspect in your life must be brought to light. Like the jack-o-lantern guiding the way, this card reveals something that needs clarity or awareness.
  2. Ghost – What Needs Releasing? The lingering energy or old memory that may be haunting you. This card symbolizes an unresolved past issue or emotion that it’s time to let go of.
  3. Witch – Where Your Power Lays? Where your personal magic resides, and how to harness it. The witch represents your unique gifts and abilities; this card shows how to embrace them.
  4. Skeleton – What’s Essential in Your Life? The core of your current situation or existence. The skeleton reveals what’s at your foundation, asking you to focus on the essentials.
  5. Vampire – What Is Draining You? The area of your life that’s sapping your energy and/or joy. Uncover where you might be giving too much or what might be taking too much from you.
  6. Pirate – What Treasure Awaits? The reward or opportunity that’s waiting for you if you dare to seek it? Pirates symbolize adventure and discovery, hinting at a hidden gem or opportunity for you to pursue.

Until Next week...

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