New Moon in Aries Tarot Spread

Hi Tarot Tribe, it’s Ethony and we are heading into Aries Season with the New Moon in Aries on the 26th of March 2017. This video has two parts, I am going to talk a little bit about the New Moon vibration and energy and then I am going to share my New Moon in Aries Tarot Spread and show it in action. As with everything that I share, take what vibes with you and leave the rest.

I like the energy of Aries. I like the God of War, not because I like war, far from it, but I like the fire he can light up under our asses to get going. He may be rash, but he is also as far removed from apathetic as you can get.


Along with this energy, when we enter into the time of the New Moon, we may be called to change a lot with the changing seasons. In the Northern Hemisphere Spring is here and cleaning out our spaces and getting more energized is likely to manifest. In the Southern Hemisphere, the heat is starting to wane and nature is preparing for the change into Autumn.  This may also lead to being able to do more.

This is my Get Shit Done Moon.

The thing about the New Moon in Aries is that it is a bright firework that can light up the night, but then that energy can disappear just as quickly as it arrived. This can be ultra frustrating because our motivation may also dwindle along with it when we don’t see the returns as quickly as we would like.

We are impulsive when we make our decisions. We are more likely to rush a project. We are definitely more likely to start an argument or they get heated very quickly. If you are a fiery person who knows that certain people and situations are triggers, it is a good time to do some work on yourself in these areas or avoid those situations if you aren’t ready to deal with it. It may not be the right time to plunge head first into your shadow side. Silence and some time alone may actually be the healthiest thing you can do.

If you find that you have an excess of energy around this time, walking it off or working it off in a healthy way can help a lot. Heck even scream obscenities into a pillow if you have to. If you don’t deal with it in a healthy way, it is more than likely going to bubble up and explode and leave an aftermath that you are going to be cleaning up for months.

To balance this energy out, the Tarot Spread I have created for this New Moon will help with channeling that energy and getting it to work for you. So let’s take a look.

New Moon in Aries Tarot Spread

I have created a New Moon in Aries Tarot Spread which can be used at any New Moon in Aries. You can also use Oracle cards for this if you want. The Tarot is always my weapon of choice.

This Tarot Spread focuses on channeling all of that amazing God of War energy that wants to instigate change into something that won’t just peter out after five minutes. If you are feeling the urge to make a change, you can use this as a way to look at it from different angles and create something sustainable. In other words, it will help you make your decisions more carefully.

New Moon in Aries

For this reading the first thing you want to do is look through your Tarot deck and find the card that represents the vibe or meaning of the change you want to happen. So if you want a new job, the Ace of Pentacles may be the card you pick. Want to close that deal, maybe it is the Six of Pentacles. Looking for a lover? Maybe the Knight of Cups if you want a good time or the Two of Cups if you are looking for your soul mate. Try not to overthink this. Many Tarot and Oracle cards have more than one meaning. Go with your gut and focus your intention on the change you want. Your intention and focus is the most important thing.

Now that you have the card that represents the vibe of the change, place that face up in the center, position 1. You can focus your energy on that card and shuffle the deck and deal the cards as you normally would for the remaining 6 cards in the reading.

  1. The Change – The Card you have chosen to represent the change you want to bring about
  2. Project – The most likely outcome/the future
  3. Protect – What you need to protect during this change
  4. Reject – Get rid of this
  5. Neglect – Don’t forget this, it is important
  6. Suspect – Be careful. Continue with caution around this
  7. Magnet – Attract this as an ally

When it comes to Tarot Readings around change, I definitely look at the overall reading and take stock of the elements in the cards. If there is a lot of Major Arcana cards, there is likely something larger at play.  Any change you want to make may be either straight up halted by these cosmic energies, or they are in perfect alignment and move super smoothly.

If there are a lot of one particular suit in your reading it may show you what kind of change is likely to occur and where your attention is best spent. A lot of Wands (which I see as the fire suit) in this reading would say to me that things are going to be intense and real transformation is a possibility.

I hope you enjoy working with this Tarot Spread and I can’t wait to see your readings.

Don’t forget to share your Tarot Reading with the #newmoonariestarot 

Until Next week...

4 thoughts on “New Moon in Aries Tarot Spread”

  1. I enjoyed this, Ethony.

    Here’s mine:
    1. Seven of Rods, I chose because I’m finishing a book and need to get the lead out.
    2. King of Swords – Project – communication mastery! Strong voice and directness in the writing
    3. 3 of Wands – Protect everything I’ve prepared already and chip away at it at every opportunity.
    4. Page of Swords – Reject second-guessing and ideas of others in regard to the project. So I’ll keep it under wraps until it’s done.
    5. Ace of Rods – Suspect any new distraction pulling me away from the project.
    6. 4 of Rods – Attract a foundation or platform for the launch of the book.

    Works for me!

  2. Melissa Burnett

    1. Justice – balance, weighing options, assessing actions, trusting the universe
    2. The High Priestess – a time of learning and honing intuition
    3. 4 of Cups – propensity to fall into a funk and get depressed
    4. Ace of Swords – living in a fantasy world
    5. 2 of Cups – balance, harmony, friendships, being open to love
    6. 7 of Pentacles – resting on laurels
    7. 2 of Wands – preparation, finding mentors, listening to good advice

  3. This was great, and so clear for me!

    1. The Change: Temperance – Health, balance, harmony, moderation, patience
    2. Project: Magician – I have the power to make a difference. Do what needs to be done, and understand why I’m doing it. The Magician has been showing up for me in almost every reading the past month. It’s not the easiest to decipher, but I felt like I understood it more here.
    3. Protect: Queen of Swords – Mental strength. Boundaries. (so true)
    4. Get rid of: Death – Final endings. Unnecessary things. This hits home since I moved my boyfriend out and am still dealing with some lingering logistics.
    5. Don’t forget: 9 Pentacles – Independence. Be your own best friend. you have a lot to be proud of. this warmed my heart. I broke up with a longtime love because I felt like I was being controlled.
    6. Be careful around: reversed 10 Wands – negativity/negative people, Develop faith in yourself. Keep your eye on the goal; don’t stray off-path.
    7. Attract: Ace Wands – (new) Job. Adventure. Whatever sparks your interest.

    Love this!

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