New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread and Moon Energy Forecast

New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread and Moon Energy Forecast

New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread

Hi Tarot Tribe, we are coming up to New Moon time again soon. We have the New Moon in Virgo on the 19th of September in 2017 and like with all New Moons, it is a wonderful time to set goals for the coming lunar cycle.

I have a new Tarot spread for you all, and I also wanted to share with you a little bit about the energies of the New Moon in Virgo and how we can work with the cosmic vibes at this time.

As with everything I share, take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

This is a wonderful time to clean out unwanted things that are just collecting dust. Sell, giveaway, or donate anything that you no longer have a use for.

In the Northern Hemisphere we are going to be experiencing shorter daylight hours and by using the time we have wisely now, we can avoid having to clear out our space later on in the year when it is just too cold and miserable to do it.

Southern Hemisphere babes will find this moon goes along perfect with Spring cleaning. Basically, the universe wants you to clean your shit up.

We have only 3 and a bit calendar months left of 2017 (holy wow, this year went quickly!) so what are you going to do with it? Rally your energy and focus on what you want to get achieved by the end of the year. Write it down, get an accountability partner and use the grounded energy of Virgo to help you cement good work habits for the rest of the year.

You know how I said that the universe wants you to clean your shit up?

It also wants you to organise your workplaces and spaces. Use your space wisely and create an environment that is conducive to working at your highest potential.

This moon is very tied to our health and physical well being. Working on holistic health goals and being kind to your temple is a wonderful way to embrace this New Moon energy.

If you are working on projects, especially those around the home and with money, pay attention to the little things. Go over your paperwork, check your bank accounts and balance your books. Prepare for Tax time if you are in a place of the world where the EOFY (end of financial year) is December. Better to start to do these things now than have a nasty surprise later.

Finally, because there is so much attention to detail in this moon, don’t forget to treat yourself a little and have fun. Anything fun around the home and with your body (wink wink) is good for the soul. So is pampering yourself a little.

New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread

New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread

This Tarot Spread can be used at each New Moon in Virgo and it focuses on using all of the lovely energy that is around to help you map out your plans for the rest of the year and set your goals.

  1. Community – How can I be of service to others?
  2. Cast off – What needs decluttering in my life?
  3. Pay attention – what needs my attention?
  4. Get organised – Where do I need to get more organised?
  5. Last quarter call – Where to focus your energy this season?

Share your reading with the #newmoonvirgotarot on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @ethony

Theme song for this New Moon – From the Queen of Virgo’s

Until Next week...

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  1. Pingback: Ethony’s New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread – LadyVTavora Fine Art & Divination Services

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