Lammas Tarot Spread

Lammas Tarot Spread

Lammas or Lughnasadh is the first Harvest Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year. It marks the midway point from the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.

Lammas is one of the sacred days on the Pagan Wheel of the Year. It falls on the 1st of August for the Northern Hemisphere and the 1st of February in the Southern Hemisphere.

Lammas or Lughnasadh is the first Harvest Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year. It marks the midway point from the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.

The Gaelic God Lugh is the name sake God for this celebration. He is the God of art, inspiration, athletic prowess and has ties with the Tuatha De Danann. Read up on this God he is really rad.

Here is my Tarot Spread offering which reflects on the themes of the First Harvest and using the skills and talents that you have to reach your goals.

Lammas Tarot Spread


1. Theme – The theme for the Sabbat and the seasonal cycle

2. Goals – What goals are in alignment to be manifested this seasonal cycle

3. Inspiration – What energies can aid your goals come into being

4. Harvest – What you are being called to be grateful for this seasonal cycle

5. Lugh’s Bread – What needs to be released/sacrificed for you to prosper

Remember to tag my bad self on your social media accounts when you use this Tarot Spread. I love seeing all of your readings.

Being a Full Blue Moon you can see my Full Moon Tarot Spread is here and have a wonderful Sabbat.



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Until Next week...

1 thought on “Lammas Tarot Spread”

  1. Pingback: Blessed Lughnasad! | Priestessing the Dream

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