Major Arcana Only Tarot Decks, What’s the Point?

Major Arcana Only Tarot Decks, What’s the Point?

Major Arcana-only tarot decks consist of the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana in the tarot, numbered from 0-21. Some major arcana-only decks may have extra cards outside the standard 22, but traditionally, they are the cards from The Fool to The World.

I’m going to be honest: I’ve often thought that Major Arcana-only tarot decks are pretty pointless as practical tools for tarot readers. Beautiful art, yes. Great study tools for diving into comparative studies or single card studies, sure. But as a reading tool, I felt like I was only getting part of the story when I tried working with them. And, being the curious Gemini that I am, want the full story.

As I’ve developed and evolved my tarot skills and had fun playing with different techniques, I found that working with major arcana decks can be really illuminating.

Why Work with Major Arcana-Only Tarot Decks?


Focusing on Big Picture Themes

Major Arcana cards delve into transformative experiences, spiritual growth, and universal truths. With the Minor Arcana removed you can hone in on the overarching narrative without distractions, which is perfect for readings addressing life’s milestones or spiritual awakenings.

Deepening Your Connection To The Universal Archetypes

Working solely with the Major Arcana cards allows you to concentrate on each card’s rich symbology and archetypal energy. This practice strengthens your ability to interpret nuanced meanings and fosters a stronger connection to your intuition and the cosmic consciousness. As these cards deal with significant concepts and energy, giving them extra study time will help you access deeper meanings in your readings overall.

Complementing Other Decks

A Major Arcana-only deck pairs beautifully with a second full 78-card deck. Together, they provide layered insights, where the Major Arcana highlights the “big picture” while the full deck fills in the details. These are some of my favorite readings and one of the ways I love to work with my Major Arcana-only decks.

Simplifying for Beginners

Focusing on the Major Arcana can provide a less overwhelming entry point for those new to Tarot. With only 22 cards, learning their meanings and applying them effectively in readings is easier. Most tarot students will want to grow beyond Major Arcana decks, but it’s a solid place to start and will help you build a good foundation of tarot knowledge.

If you want to start incorporating Major Arcana-only decks and techniques into your practice, don’t feel you have to purchase a bunch of Major Arcana-only decks. You can take any tarot deck and separate the Major Arcana cards from Minor Arcana.

Major Arcana Readings In Practice


The Archetypal Insight Tarot Spread


A simple two-card spread, ideal for quick yet powerful guidance when you’re in transition, having big feelings, and facing big decisions. Shuffle your Major Arcana-only deck, focusing on a situation or area of life. Pull two cards and reflect on how the first card reveals the overarching energy present in your life. The second offers a way to integrate the lesson and energy of that archetype into your life for positive results.

  1. The Archetype: What archetypal energy is present in my life right now?
  2. The Integration: What lesson or aspect of the collective consciousness desires to be understood and integrated right now?


The Layered Insight Tarot Spread


This four-card tarot spread leverages the complementary energy of both decks to explore a single theme or question deeply. For this reading, you’ll need a Major Arcana-only tarot deck and then a second full deck of 78 tarot cards. Shuffle both decks and alternate card draws, one by one, while you hold the energy of the spread position in your consciousness.

This is a reflective reading, so take your time shuffling the cards and interpreting the spread. Pay attention to the interplay between the archetypal and mundane energies the reading reveals.

  1. Major Theme (Major Arcana): The overarching theme or energy in my life.
  2. Influence (Full Deck): What is influencing this theme on a practical level?
  3. Spiritual Lesson (Major Arcana): The spiritual lesson tied to this theme.
  4. Step Forward (Full Deck): What step can I take to align with this lesson?
Dual Wisdom Tarot Spread


This six-card tarot spread integrates the macro-level perspective of a Major Arcana deck with the micro-level details of a full Tarot deck. For this reading, you’ll need a Major Arcana-only tarot deck and then a second full deck of 78 tarot cards. This is the perfect reading for those BIG moments when you weigh options and make life-altering decisions.

To carry out this reading, you’ll shuffle both decks separately. While you’re shuffling both, hold the energy of your current situation or choices. Draw the first three cards from your Major Arcana deck and the remaining three from your full deck. This spread combines the expansive guidance of the Major Arcana with practical, actionable steps provided by the full deck.

  1. Theme (Major Arcana): The major theme influencing my current situation.
  2. Higher Lesson (Major Arcana): The higher lesson or spiritual insight presented to you.
  3. External Forces (Major Arcana): The external influences at play that hold weight in your current situation.
  4. Challenges (Full Deck): The challenge or obstacle you must navigate.
  5. Action (Full Deck): The immediate action to help you overcome obstacles.
  6. Outcome  (Full Deck) The potential outcome is if you follow the cards’ guidance.

To see some of the Major Arcana only decks that are in my collection, please check out my YouTube video.

Until Next week...

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